[Vk5-wx-sonde] auto_rx v1.3.1 released

Mark Jessop vk5qi at rfhead.net
Wed Mar 25 02:08:11 PDT 2020

Hi all,

I've just released v1.3.1 of auto_rx.

This update stops the auto_rx software from creating new payload documents
for each newly discovered radiosonde. I have recently made changes to the
Habitat database to use a common payload document for all radiosonde
telemetry (callsigns beginning with RS_), which has helped significantly
reduce the load on the database. Historical radiosonde data is still
accessible, at: http://habitat.sondehub.org/history/RS_<callsign> (please
contact me if you are using this API regularly)

This update also makes the following changes:

- Fix typo in station.cfg.example (`station_beacon_comment`) - Thanks Tory!
- Add additional fields to the web interface telemetry table.
- Added horizontal/vertical velocity (m/s) and bearing fields to the log
file output.
- The following updates courtesy of @vg1320:
  - Addition of battery voltage output to the DFM and M10 decoders.
  - Additional PTU output to the M10 decoder.

Remember to run `./build.sh` within the auto_rx directory to re-compile the
decoders after updating!

Please report any problems encountered either on this mailing list (
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/radiosonde_auto_rx ), or by raising
an issue ( https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/issues ).

For information on how to update, please visit:

Mark VK5QI
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