[Vk5-wx-sonde] Upcoming RS41-SGM launches

Mark Jessop vk5qi at rfhead.net
Fri May 17 20:46:40 PDT 2019

Hi all,

I've just got off the phone with the leader of the group launching sondes
from Pt Wakefield, and can confirm that there will be RS41-SGM launches
from Pt Wakefield this upcoming week, starting morning Monday. Launches
will be every hour, with 6-8 launches per day. I've suggested they try and
start on 402 MHz, and work up in 100 kHz steps with each launch, avoiding
402.5 MHz.

I'll work on getting a separate predictor running or Pt Wakefield, so we
get some idea of where they will land. They are targeting 20-25km burst
altitude, and are interested in recovering a few radiosondes to re-confirm
the sensors are OK (noting that they are often damaged on landing).

I've also been offered a sample of a RS41-SGM to help get a decoder going!
Stay tuned for more updates to auto_rx over the next few weeks as we get
this all working...

Mark VK5QI
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