[Vk5-wx-sonde] Fwd: radiosonde_auto_rx v1.5.1 release - New Web Interface

Mark Jessop vk5qi at rfhead.net
Mon Apr 5 05:01:42 PDT 2021

Hi all,

I have just released v1.5.1 of auto_rx. Information is available on the
release page:

Information on configuration file changes is available here:

This release of auto_rx brings the following new features & changes:
- *Support for Python versions older than 3.6 has been dropped completely.*
Users running Python 2.7 or 3.5 will encounter an error on startup and
auto_rx will exit. Time to upgrade to Python 3 -
- *In particular, Python >=3.6 is required.* This means that stations
running Raspbian Stretch (which comes with Python 3.5) will need to update
to the latest Raspbian distribution - Raspbian Buster. If you don't know
what version of python 3 your system has, run 'python3' in a terminal, and
the version number will be shown.
- Thanks to the work of @LukePrior, a revamped web interface! This brings a
much cleaner and customisable web interface, with better mobile support and
a dark mode!
- Updated the socket.io JS library, and removed the version pinning for
flask-socketio. *You will need to update your flask-socketio version for
the web interface to continue working.* Upgrading can be performed by
running `sudo pip3 install -U flask-socketio` . You will also likely need
to clear your browser cache to get the new socketio Javascript library
(e.g. hold down Shift and click the page refresh button).
- Additions to the SondeHub v2 uploader system, such that station locations
appear on the v2 tracker map even if no telemetry has been uploaded
- Added an optional station contact e-mail field. This information is only
made available to the SondeHub admins (myself and Michaela), and will only
be used if an issue with your station is noticed (or if we need your help
observing something interesting!).
- Added some additional checks on the date/time reported in radiosonde
- Fixes to the Docker image generation for armv6/armv7 systems.

The pre-built Docker Image (
https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/wiki/Docker ) is now the
recommended way to setup radiosonde_auto_rx on a new station. Using Docker
avoids issues with updates to dependencies, like is occurring in this

*Again - Support for Python versions older than 3.6 has been dropped in
this version of auto_rx. If you are on a system running Python 3.5 or
older, you will need to update to a more recent distribution, or use the
Docker Image.*
Unfortunately it has become difficult to continue to support old versions
of Python and Raspbian, while continuing to provide updates to auto_rx,
hence now requiring Python 3.6 or newer.

Mark VK5QI
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