[Vk5-wx-sonde] Fwd: radiosonde_auto_rx v1.5.0 released!

Mark Jessop vk5qi at rfhead.net
Fri Mar 26 22:26:46 PDT 2021

Hi all,

After way too long a delay (I see many of you are running the testing
branch...) I've finally released auto_rx v1.5.0.

This release brings the following changes thanks to the hard work of rs1729:
- Support for the Intermet iMet-54 radiosonde, which is currently used in
South Africa.
- Support for PTU data decoding for RS92 sondes (SGP and NGP)
- Support for the Meteo-Radiy MRZ (Commonly used in Russia)

- Addition of the SondeHub DB uploader. This uploads *all* the telemetry
that your station receives to a new ElasticSearch-based database that we're
calling 'Sondehub v2'! We're working hard behind the scenes to make best
use of this data, including building up a separate version of the habhub
tracker which will use this new DB instead of Habitat. For now, data is
uploaded to this DB so we have data to work with to help development. This
data is also now available via the AWS Open Data program - see below for
more information.
- Added checks to ensure decoder and auto_rx versions match. If you haven't
re-built the decoders (./build.sh) you will get a critical error when a
decoder is started up. Make sure you rebuild after each update!

Thanks to @snh, auto_rx is also now available as a Docker image! See here
for more information:

**With the addition of the new Sondehub v2 uploader, we will be starting to
disable uploading of telemetry from older auto_rx versions (1.4.1 and
older). Users running older versions will soon start to see notices in
their logs reminding them to update, and in a few months will have all
telemetry uploads blocked. Please update!**

This release took far too long to get out the door... I'll try and push out
updates more regularly from now on.

**Telemetry Data Licensing & AWS Open Data**
We have recently had a few requests from auto_rx users wishing to make
(non-commercial!) use of the radiosonde flight path data gathered by
auto_rx users into the SondeHub database, and the question of data
licensing has arisen. Additionally, we have been accepted into the Amazon
Web Services Open Data program - making our collected radiosonde telemetry
available by yet another mechanism. More information on this is available
here: https://github.com/projecthorus/sondehub-infra/wiki/Amazon-Open-Data

To clarify the licensing situation of this data, we have chosen to use a
very permissive license - Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0. This is a similar
license to what other telemetry gathering systems (e.g. ADS-B systems,
SatNOGS) use, and ensures that the project and it's contributors (you!) are
attributed appropriately if any data is used.

By continuing to use auto_rx and uploading telemetry to Habitat and
Sondehub, you agree to release the telemetry data you gather under this
license. With the upgraded database we will be providing more ways to
access the data collected by the whole auto_rx network - some initial
information is available here:

* Once again, if you haven't updated to Python 3 - now is the time
(Sondehub uploading will not work under Python 2). If your station is
running on Python 2, please either do a fresh install (ideally with the
latest version of Raspbian), or follow the Python 2 -> 3 upgrade guide

Please report any problems encountered either on the [mailing list](
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/radiosonde_auto_rx), or by [raising
an issue](https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/issues) on
this repository.


Mark VK5QI
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